Yogi Berra, the former Major League all-star catcher known for his humorous quips once said, “when you come to a fork in the road, take it.” We often face forks in the road, but unlike Yogi’s words of wisdom, we do need to make decisions as to which option to choose. During one’s lifetime three important decisions that many people make are those involving quality relationships, marriage, and work. But these pale in comparison to the GREAT decision which is ‘how do we respond to God?’ All through scripture this destiny defining decision is stressed. There is a clear division of destiny between those who call on the name of the Lord and those who don’t.
As Christians one of the most important decisions we should make is to meet with God first each day. In Psalm 119:147 the psalmist declares, ‘I prevented the dawning of the morning, and cried: I hoped in thy word’. We should make a conscious decision to read God’s Word and pray immediately when getting up in order to be prepared to face the battles each day brings.
We live in a crazy mixed-up world where finding rest often seems elusive. Many today get worn out trying to control everything and everyone around them. They need to resign as ‘general manager of the world’ and find rest for their soul. The key is to listen to God’s promises, believe them and show that you believe them by living in obedience to God’s Word. The writer of Hebrews 4 reminds his listeners that they received the same promises as the Israelites in the wilderness, but the promises did them no good because they didn’t receive the promises with faith. He urges them not to harden their hearts (v.7) or to fall through disobedience (v.11).
Most people in the world and especially in America have heard the gospel. Having had this privilege, everyone of us has already made or will need to make the most important decision of our life… a decision that will ultimately determine our eternal destiny. Do we respond with faith and belief, or do we respond with hardened hearts and disobedience? Those who have chosen the former have the promise of God’s eventual and eternal rest. Those who have chosen the latter will ultimately face eternal separation from God and will never experience rest. May God burden the hearts of faithful believers to continue to share the gospel with those who have thus far rejected his offer of eternal life.