There is one of these in America every 42 seconds. That equates to 86 per hour, 2,046 per day, 14,364 per week, and 746,971 per year. At first, these numbers look like they may be for the birth of a newborn or the loss of somebody's loved one. These numbers represent a covenant between a man and a woman. Yes, I am talking about marriage. When a couple in love gets married they make a covenant with each other that they will love one another and become one with another for life. However, the numbers shown above don’t represent how many people are getting married each day but the number of divorces per day. In the time it takes a couple to say their I Do’s three people are getting divorced. Almost half of first marriages end in divorce and if you want to try making another covenant with another person your divorce rate increases substantially to 60%. I am not saying this to scold someone who has been divorced but to show a representation of how Americans view a covenant compared to how God keeps a covenant. This, of course, doesn’t just apply to marriage but to many other areas of life in which covenants are made and then broken. God always keeping His covenants is what makes him our one true God. He can never break or twist something that He’s promised us. You see a covenant is a promise made between two people. God made his with Israel and other believers around the world. God established the covenant of the rainbow in Genesis 9:8-13. I don’t know about you but there is plenty of evidence of a global flood and there has yet to be another global flood. We also have the Abrahamic, the Mosaic, and the one we will investigate today the Davidic. The Davidic covenant is between God, David, and Israel that the Messiah would come through the lineage of David and that he would be king forever in the promised land. This can be found in 1 Chronicles 17:11-14.

What makes chapter 33 of Jeremiah so great is that we can see how strongly God keeps his word. The Lord's covenants cannot be broken nor ever will be. No matter how great the evil minds or AI of this world will become they fall miles short of our creator's promises. In the latter part of Jeremiah 33 verses 19-21 God is letting us know just how precious His covenants are that he establishes with us. In Jeremiah 33:1-3, God is saying remember how that I made, formed, and established the earth, and with that creation I made day and night. It's just as likely for man to kill day and night as it is for the evil of this world to break my Davidic covenant or it's like saying God’s word cannot be broken in any way. This amazing prophecy is still in the process of being completed because we know that The Branch of Righteousness that Jeremiah speaks about in verse 15 has already been here to save us with His death, burial, and resurrection. We know Him as Jesus Christ. The final part of the prophecy has yet to come and while we are closer than ever we should all look at and love the times we are currently living in. It’s a blessing to witness what I believe is a closing to the fulfillment of this Davidic prophecy. In verse 16 Christ establishes a new name for Judah and Jerusalem called Jehovah Tsidkenu or THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. The first part of God’s covenant has been fulfilled and verse 3 says ever more wondrous than we could’ve imagined. Finally, we see that God not only keeps his covenants but goes above and beyond to make the promises even more abundant than what man can dream of. What can we learn about making promises to others? If we go up and above the norm and don’t break the covenant we made with someone, are we content on just doing the minimum, making sure we can stay true to our word? Or are we Christ-like going above and beyond what is expected? How about our marriage? Are we going above and beyond for our partner? How about that certain promise you made to a friend, family member, or your church? God gives us plenty of examples throughout scripture telling us how we should live and act. It's only through him and the study of his word that we can become more like Him and surpass the world's view of what it means to keep a covenant.