Have you ever given somebody credit for something they didn’t do? Not intentionally, of course, but by accident. For example, you may have congratulated a friend on a big fish they caught when in reality the fish died and washed up on shore and they picked it up. Perhaps you may have congratulated a child on cleaning the dishes, but it was the other one. These are little things that can be easily resolved. However, in Jeremiah 44: 1-19, we learn of a mistake that was not so easily remedied. The prophet Jeremiah is on the scene of the Jews getting ready to flee Judah and go to Egypt for refuge from the Chaldeans. Jeremiah tells them not to go down into Egypt because if they do the same fate that Jerusalem saw will be upon Egypt. The Jewish people had been worshipping other gods and idols thus angering God. The people even went so far as to pour out drink offerings to the queen of heaven. This idolatry had been warned against for years and they wouldn’t listen to Jeremiah's message from God. They were so adamant against Jeremiah’s message that they said they had everything they could have ever wanted when they were worshipping this queen and it was only when they stopped that things got bad. What a grave mistake! These people, the people who are supposed to be God's people, have completely given their hearts over to idolatry. So how do we not end up like the Jews in this scenario? We need to be proactive in our relationship with God. We can do that by reading His word and examining our lives in its mirror. When we see that the Israelites have given their hearts to the queen of heaven, we need to ask ourselves, is there a queen of heaven in my life? Not only by reading God’s word but also by listening to what God says. When we hear preaching we may say, “That’s a good message for ____.” Take a step off your high horse and look at what you are doing wrong. The Jews here were so high on their horse that their heads were in the clouds and couldn’t see what was going on. Last of all, we can pray. When we may not see what God is saying in his word or what we are hearing from preaching, we can always pray and ask God to point out what we cannot see. If only the Jews had done these things, things may have turned out differently for them.