We would probably agree that, in life, many people do not reach their full potential. Even though we have a God-given desire to live to our fullest potential, we often get so caught up in old patterns or behaviors rather than making a change.

The potential for every human being to live a highly productive life is Jesus’ desire for all of us. In Matthews account of The Parable of the Sower, Jesus wants us to produce ‘a crop - a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown’ (Matt 13:8). The potential in producing such an abundant crop lies solely in our relationship with Jesus. Our potential is not about being driven by ambition or success but rather about recognizing who we are in God. We will bear much fruit as we seek Him and live our life according to his purpose. Jesus also tells us in Matt 13:12 of his desire for each of us to live a life of abundance by entrusting us with more as we begin to fulfil our God-given potential.

How do we develop the necessary relationship with Jesus to realize our full potential? Putting down spiritual roots is imperative. The highs of spiritual experiences are very important, but if they are not combined with deep spiritual roots there is the danger of shallowness which can lead to falling away. Jesus talks about this pitfall in Matt 13:5-6 where He explained that seed (Word of God) that fell on shallow ground sprang up immediately but were scorched and withered away when the sun came up because they had no root. Our spiritual roots are the parts of our life that no one else sees, except God, and include our prayers, our giving, and our thought life.

In verse 7 of Matt 13. Jesus talks about seeds that fell among thorns, but which sprang up and choked them. It is very easy to be distracted by the busyness of life. We need to recognize that time for God, church, and other ways in which our spiritual roots could be developed are often pushed aside because we have too many other things filling our life. These “other things” are identified in verse 22 as ‘the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches’, both of which can produce unfruitfulness.

May we all be challenged by Jesus’ words in Matt 13:23 where He explains what happens to those who receive seed on the good ground. God wants us to hear the Word, understand it, and put into practice His counsel and instruction.