Temptation sometimes feels like a powerful magnet that can cause us to flirt with choices that we know are bad, and even destructive. It did not take long for Adam and Eve to succumb to Satan’s deceitful temptation in the Garden of Eden. No one can go through life without being tempted. Temptation is not sin; Jesus was without sin, yet He was tempted in every way, just as we are. As we go through these tests, our faith is strengthened.
Many temptations revolve around control – control of our appetites (instant gratification), control of our ambitions, and control of our lives.
-Instant gratification: In the long run instant gratification leads to disillusion, emptiness, and despair. Listening to God and building a relationship with Him leads to deep spiritual satisfaction, joy, and purpose.
-Selfish ambitions: The temptation to accumulate things for ourselves is very powerful, especially in today’s world where wealth is often a measure of success. Material prosperity may lead to authority and elite status in this lifetime but following this path may result in financial security becoming our ambition and putting our trust in wealth and not in God.
One of the strongest forces that often leads us to yield to temptation is when we are tempted to compare. Just as Jesus was tempted in the wilderness (Luke 4:1), the people of God were tempted in their wilderness years. Their temptation to compare recorded in Numbers 11-12 resulted in:
Sin has a process. The first stage of the process starts with a temptation. We cannot isolate ourselves enough to be immune from being tempted because we are human. Satan is constantly looking for someone to devour but he is limited to certain powers. As Christians, we have a much greater power, the Holy Spirit, living within us to repel the darts of Satan and help us from yielding to temptation. Praise the Lord!