We all probably know people who seem dissatisfied with their lot in life. Their desire to have greater wealth, better looks, or even a different spouse can lead to covetousness and unfaithfulness. In our world today there are dating sites to entice married men and women to have an affair. Though seemingly attractive, those who succumb to such “invitations” commit adultery which often results in ruined lives of the individuals involved as well as their spouses and children. Jesus puts faithfulness alongside justice and mercy (Matthew 23:23). Faithfulness is something we should strive for in marriage, friendships, and most importantly in our relationship to God. To do otherwise is to allow the influences and enticements of the world to dictate our decisions.

In today’s reading, (Luke 2:1-20), we are encouraged to be faithful to God’s calling, His promises, and His message. The faithfulness of one who played a part in the birth of Jesus is inspirational. As we reflect on this familiar passage, we find how Joseph responded when he found out that Mary, to whom he was pledged to marry, was expecting a child. Unlike today where pregnancies out of wedlock are becoming commonplace, Joseph recognized that Mary’s pregnancy did not look good in the eyes of everyone else around even though he knew she had not been unfaithful. Facing the temptation to disassociate himself from Mary, he chose instead to be utterly faithful to God’s calling and to Mary, regardless of how it looked from the outside.

We can claim God’s promise that He alone is our strength in times when we are faced with the temptation to follow our wayward desires or what seems popular to the world. Our steadfastness to believe in God is not the recipe for an easy life. In fact, the reverse is often the case in that we are likely to face all kinds of opposition. In Psalm 59:1-8 we read of David’s life while he was under threat from Saul. In verses 1-4 David describes how he finds himself surrounded by his enemies, the men Saul had sent to kill him. However, in I Samuel 24 we are given the account of how David spared Saul’s life although he had the ideal opportunity to kill him. Even though encouraged by his men to kill Saul, in v.7 we read, ‘So David stayed his servants with these words, and suffered them not to rise against Saul.’ David placed his belief in God’s will and plan to spare Saul’s life above his own seemingly justifiable reason and the pressure of his men to kill Saul.

We are all uniquely created by God to live a life that is obedient to the specific purpose He has for each of us. As Christians, we have no business wanting something different that what God has given us. The grass is not greener on the other side of the fence – it is greener where we water it. The other side of the fence may look appealing, but it is artificial and often unsatisfying.