One of the most wonderful ‘once’ events experienced by many during their time on earth is marriage. This ‘once’ event stems from the commitment by a man and woman to love each other until the end of their lives. An even greater love relationship occurs when we put our faith in Jesus Christ and experience God’s love for us and for us to commit to love Him forever. The ‘once’ event that makes this relationship possible is Jesus’ ‘once for all’ sacrificial death.

Those who experience this special love relationship can claim God’s promise of his forever protection. When we are in trouble, we often look to family, friends or professional help first. But, in Psalm 121:1-8, the psalmist talks about God’s help and protection and the first place he looks is upwards. In verse 1 he says, “I lift up my eyes to the hills - from whence cometh my help?” Fear looks around, worry looks in, but faith looks up. The promise in this psalm is that the Lord will protect us from all harm that may come our way. 

In Hebrews 9:16-28 the writer points out why it was necessary for Christ to go to the cross. Because of man’s limited finite minds, it is difficult even for Christians to fully understand the depth of their forgiveness resulting from Jesus’ shed blood. Jesus has paid the price for every sin we have committed and every sin we will commit in the future. Mine boggling for sure!! The writer of Hebrews contrasts the sacrifice of Jesus with the inferior sacrifices under the law:

  1. Unlike the high priest who entered the earthly version of the Holy Place, Christ entered the place itself by offering himself to God as the sacrifice for our sins (v.24).
  2. Unlike the high priest who entered the Most Holy Place every year, Christ’s sacrificial death was a one-time event that took care of sins forever (v.28)
  3. Unlike the high priest who offered the blood of animals, it was Christ’s own blood that was willingly shed (v.12).

How thankful we should be for the ‘once and done’ sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It was a full, perfect and sufficient sacrifice that satisfied for the sins of the world and a sacrifice that reconciled sinful man with Holy God. As Jesus cried out on the cross, ‘It is finished’.