How exciting is the very last chapter of the Old Testament, v. 1, He’s talking about the prideful people, which in Genesis is why Adam and Eve took the forbidden fruit. Then in v. 4 we have the Decalogue (10 commandments) that he puts on everyone’s heart to know right from wrong and wants us to always remember. Finally v.5-6 the Old Testament ends with fulfilled prophecy, there’s so much wrapped up in these 6 verses.
1. PRIDE- Malachi 4:1- why do people that were once so on fire for God leave the Christian faith? Why is America falling apart? Why did Abraham go into Egypt? Abraham didn’t turn to God in prayer or in any other way, Abraham did what he thought was best for him. He was too proud to turn to God for direction. American pride is getting in the way of this nation. No, we’re not at the point some other nations are but we are catching up fast. Only 2% of America believes in a Biblical world view. America is prideful, and we need God just as much as the rest of the world. Central Pa is our Jerusalem let’s spread the word.
Finally I’ve seen it in our church and have heard about it from other churches. When someone first hears about Jesus and what He’s done for them it’s an initial excitement for a few weeks or months and they show up to Sunday Services and church events every time the door is open. Then just like the flip of a switch they stop coming or just come to church when it’s convenient for them. We put God on the back burner for our kids sports, hunting season has started, or what about football season? Your favorite team is playing Sunday, so let’s stay home and watch the game. We tend to put ourselves before God. “There is no spirit in man more opposed to the Spirit of God than that of pride. This culprit called pride is the most noxious vice. Pride denies God and defies God. Outward sin is merely the fruit of sin, but pride is the diabolical root of every evil thing. Nothing breeds antagonism in the heart of God like the sin of pride. Pride cast Adam and Eve from paradise. Pride changed angels into devils. Pride is the central sin of humanity.” ( Harold Vaughan)
2. Decalogue- Malachi 4:2-4, “Remembering Gods commandments will put the fear of God in you. Proverbs 9:10 “ the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” The more and more I read and study or hear the preaching of the 10 commandments the more I appreciate what Jesus has done for me with his death, burial and resurrection. “Remember ye the law of Moses” (Mal. 4:4)
3. Prophecy- Malachi 4:5-6, Verse 5 says God will send us Elijah the prophet before the great and dreadful day. This prophecy was fulfilled in Luke 1:17 through John the Baptist. Also in Matt. 17: 1-4, could you imagine being Peter James and John. Crazy to think they weren’t afraid until God started to speak. Some day every knee will bow before our almighty God.