Imagine looking out your window and seeing Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon) driving a 1998 Honda Civic up your driveway. You might think, “wow how humble he must be.” The world’s richest man driving an old $1,000 junker. I doubt any billionaire would be coming up your driveway in anything less than an Escalade, let alone a Honda.
Now picture the King of Kings, the Great I Am, the Prince of Peace coming up your driveway. What’s He driving? I know back in Jesus’ day they didn’t have any cars but I’m sure they had some tricked out carriages. He could’ve had the horse of all horses but instead He fulfilled prophecy. Even if it wasn’t prophecy I don’t think He would’ve rode into Jerusalem on anything more than a donkey.
“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.” Zechariah 9:9 KJV
This was fulfilled in Matt. 21: 4-11; John 12: 12-16
You would think prophecy after prophecy and the great miracles He fulfilled or performed that all the Jews would’ve turned to him. How ignorant they use to be back in the day right?
How about in 2021? Do we even know the significance of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on an ass? Do we even realize the prophecy being fulfilled in the Middle East, with everything that’s going on between Iran and Israel. Many years ago when Jesus was walking on the earth many didn’t recognize the prophecies being fulfilled. Are we so much different today? There are still prophecies to be fulfilled: are we paying attention?
Please pray for the Patrick family in the loss of a loved one.