There's no denying the fact that the world we live in today denies the truth. "Transgenderism," "safe abortion," "divorce," and "do what makes you feel good" are all outside of God's grand design, but nevertheless what our culture is living by. The truth is, it's the secular worlds' design that they are trying so hard to make you a part of. We born again believers can see through this ever expanding darkness, but the light grows more and more dim on a daily basis. What has become the norm for so much of the world, will ultimately lead to destruction. Man is corrupt, wanting his own will to be done, not God's will be done. Even in our own neighborhoods Satan is very hard at work. Today, more than yesterday, the need to go door to door spreading God's Word. Not just door to door, but work, classroom, picnics, and even in church. Everyone has an acquaintance that's headed for Hell. They are taking part and doing worldly things. We are the ones that need to be an example of Christ in that we follow Him. (Ephesians 5:1) We need to make sure we show them how believers should walk.
Ephesians 5:1 tells us to, " Walk in love, even as Christ also loved you..." Nothing defines love better that day Christ died on the cross. He sacrificed Himself, the perfectly unblemished Lamb of God, for us wicked sinners. He died so that we may live. Do we as Christians love our neighbors, like Christ loves us? Or do we see them coming and do everything we can do to avoid them and avoid them for years and never once tell them what Jesus has done for them? That's not representative of Christs' love. In all we say and do we need to show the love of Christ. Ephesians 5:8 commands us to "walk as children of light."
Before we became children of light, we were children of darkness, unrepentant, unsaved, wanting, and lusting. Partakers of darkness rather than light. Being born again, we are made new and now are examples of Christs' light. Everyone will go through tough times whether by yourself or with others. It's in these times when Christs' light shines brightest. We don't get depressed and weep about ourselves and wonder why we have it so much worse the next person. If we lose a loved one, we should be a light to the people who also loved them, and show them the reason you're handling the situation differently. If we are diagnosed with cancer, we should be a light to the doctors, nurses, and family members that live in darkness. When dire circumstances happen, no matter what cause, be the light of Christ that shines brightly. When people leave your presence they need to be five shades darker. We need to give their hearts a spiritual tone.
Ephesians 5:15 tells us to "walk circumspectly." Walking circumspectly, or wisely, straight and true, helps us understand that we should be walking as the Lord is. God has put us all on different roads. Some roads are back country roads, full of twists and turns. Other roads are for miles and miles in straight lines, with no hills, and may have just a slight bend every once in a while. Does our walk with Christ have twists and turns, or are we on the straight and narrow? We all at one point or another get on the back country road. It's how many miles we spend on that road that will let you know where your walk in wisdom with the Lord is heading. How often is it that we ignore Christ, sustain from His Word in prayer, and stay lost on the back roads, content wasting our short lives following man. We need to have our noses plugged into the Word. We need to pray, we need His Light and love to show us the way down the straight road to Him. We are to be followers and doers of Jesus. Our lives need to represent that. Our study in His Word on a daily basis will lead us circumspectly.
We are called to follow Him as a child follows his parents. As we are following, do we walk in love? Are we the light that displaces the darkness around us? Finally are we wise in our decisions, making sure we are doing the will of God?