Those of you like me who were born in the first half of the last century may remember the popular song, “Que Sera Sera”, made popular by singer Doris Day in the mid-1950’s. The English translation of the Spanish title is, “whatever will be will be.” This begs the question, what does the future hold in store for you and me? For example, it has been predicted that some babies born today may live to the age of 150. One prediction that did not hold true was a 1977 quote by Ken Olson, Chairman of Digital Equipment Co. who stated, ‘there is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.’ However, there are certain things that Christians can know about the future that makes a real difference during our earthly life.
Leviticus 25 records what the Lord spoke unto Moses in mount Sinai and what Moses in turn was to speak to the children of Israel. The people were given instructions of how they were to live in the land that God had given them. During each seven-year period, six years were to be the time for sowing, pruning, and reaping, but the seventh year was to be a sabbath of rest. The Lord gave further instructions about what was to take place every fiftieth year, the year of jubile.
Leviticus 25 is a prelude to chapter 26 in which God promises future blessings to the people IF they will walk in his statutes, and keep his commands, and do them (v.3). Although we cannot know the details of our future, we can be assured of the same blessings that God revealed to the Israelites if we obey him: daily provision (v.4), satisfaction, safety (v.5), peace and no fear (v.6), spiritual growth (v.9), the Lord’s presence (v.12), and freedom from bondage (v.13). This is God’s long-term plan for our future in this life, for which we should be extremely thankful.
What about our eternal future? As a result of Jesus’ resurrection believers can face the future with confidence. Our life on earth is not the end. There is life beyond the grave. Just as Jesus was raised from the dead, we who are in Christ will be raised with him as Paul preached to the people of Corinth in I Corinthians 15.
Although there may be some truth in the song, “Que Sera Sera”, we should not look at future events in our lives as simply happenchance. One of the lines in the song says, ‘the future is not ours to see’. Those who refuse to put their trust in the finished work of Christ are blinded and face the future filled with fear and uncertainty. But, even though sometimes experiencing deep valleys here on earth, believers in Christ can face the future with peace, confidence, and certainty as we look to the day when we will see our Savior face to face.