In this message on Matthew 19, we explore the profound connection between earthly families and God’s family. While we don’t choose our earthly families, we have the blessed opportunity to be part of God’s family - the best family ever. The passage delves into Jesus’s teaching on marriage and divorce, where He bypasses rabbinical traditions and appeals directly to God’s authority. Marriage is presented as a sacred covenant relationship, symbolized beautifully in wedding ceremonies where the bride and groom walk between their families, representing the biblical covenant imagery. The heart of the message reveals how Matthew 19 isn’t merely about marriage instruction, but rather fits into the larger narrative of God’s faithful love for His people. Just as God demonstrates unwavering faithfulness to Israel despite their unfaithfulness, marriage is meant to reflect this same covenant faithfulness. Through this understanding, we see marriage as a testament to God’s enduring love and grace, calling us to move forward in faith, leaving past baggage at the cross, and embracing His sufficient grace for our relationships.